Does Your Organization Need A Culture Refresh?

Our world is on a trajectory of rapid change. Who we are as people and organizations is likely very different from where we saw ourselves even a couple of years ago. At UpSpiral Leadership®, we are hearing from our clients that their long-standing value propositions no longer align with who they are today. We feel their sense of frustration as antiquated practices no longer make sense. Many of them feel irrelevant or insensitive to the current cultural climate. The “way we do things” has quickly shifted to “the way we did things” and there is an undeniable need to evaluate the stance our organization is impressing upon the world right at this very moment.

If these sentiments resonate with you, you’re not alone. What can your organization do to reflect what is most important to your employees and clients in today’s world? How can your organization continue to stay relevant and inspiring to those within and around it?

You should know that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Changes that are easily adaptable for one group might be met with resistance for another. That’s why we offer customized culture refresh solutions by getting to know you and your teams, crafting small shifts in your organization’s culture that plug into everyday practices, and working together to refresh your purpose, vision, mission, and action values. The end result is that all voices within your organization are represented and it becomes a natural guide for decision making, especially in high-stakes situations.

How Our Culture Refresh Works

First, a member of the UpSpiral Leadership® team will meet with your senior leaders to understand your organization’s goals. We’ll work as an extension of your team to pick out those fundamental beliefs that have stood the test of time, and will listen to the voices of key stakeholders for making changes to realign best practices with the overall vision of your organization.

Once we’ve honed in on who you are and what you stand for in today’s world, you’ll feel more confident in how you show up to serve your clients and employees through more clearly defined core values. We’ll give you the tools to activate a culture refresh, but the truth is you’ve already got what it takes to make meaningful change. You may even find that you’ve always had other-centered intentions, but couldn’t figure out how to put them to work – quite literally your hidden superpower!

Research shows that long-term change is only successful when all members of a group arrive at the decision to change or to pursue something new together. By brainstorming and devising a culture refresh that means something to everyone in your organization, each person will feel equally responsible for steering the new culture. 

Curious about how a culture refresh might help your organization? We’re here to help! Reach out to UpSpiral Leadership® for a culture refresh consultation.


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